
Epicake - A New Soul of Team Rose Bud

Hello World of Readers - If you exist

As I said, hello, greetings, or whatever you like to say. My name is Epicake, the fourth member of Team Rose Bud. I've run X-Sabers since the ANPR Sneak Peek excluding the 4 or 5 times I've dropped them. But hey, when you love a deck you can't stay away from it can you? No. You cannot. Fugglor and Brah were the two who got me sucked into this "hobby" or sickness as I would think. They were originally my brother's friends but I tagged along with them one day to locals and picked up the game quickly. And I began with sabers because a different friend pulled 2 Faultrolls the day of the Sneak and thought they were crap. He then gave them to me. XD I was thinking about posting my general hobbies, attitude and other stuff like that so you could get to know me a little bit better, but who wants to hear that crap? ON TO YGOZ!

Lets start my first post off with a decklist.
Monsters x20:
XX-Saber Darksoul x3
XX-Saber Faultroll x3
XX-Saber Boggart Knight x3
XX-Saber Fulhelmknight x3
XX-Saber Emmersblade x3
XX-Saber Ragigura x1
X-Saber Pashuul x2
X-Saber Airbellum x1
Effect Veiler x1

Spells x11:
Book of Moon x3
Giant Trunade x1
Cold Wave x1
Gold Sarcophagus x2
Monster Reborn x1
Dark Hole x1
Mind Control x1
Reinforcement of the Army x1

Traps x9:
Solemn Warning x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Mirror Force x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Trap Stun x1
Gottoms' Emergency Call x2

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