
Epicake's Tourney Report - 11/26

So I decided to run Skill Drain Gravekeeper's yesterday at the Box Tourney, after testing against Fugglor and Chow 8 times.  8-0 (although Fugglor keeps raving about beating me one game, but not the match).  I walked in and saw all the "competitive" players getting ready to play and knew it'd be a fun day.

Match 1 - Six Samurai
This is the kid that Fugglor lost to 2 weeks ago, underestimating him.  This made me overestimate him, and so I 2-0'd him easy as hell.

Game 1 - I've got Necrovalley on the field, and he uses some trap that reduces your life points to 100 and special summon Six Sam's from your grave.  So, he reduced and I pointed at Necrovalley, and he just picked his shit up.  XD

Game 2 - Malefic Cyber End beatdown time.  He drew crap.  Probably cause his deck was crap.


Match 2 - Blackwings
Another easy match-up, really Andrew?  My tiebreakers are gonna frickin suck... This kid was running all the shitty blackwings, and speaking like one would in the Anime.  2-0... hella easy.

Game 1 - He foolish burial's a Vayu, and Paco sitting right next to me starts laughing.  He attacked into my Recruiter with a Shura and I flipped Skill Drain, and searched Commandant.  Dropped Malefic Cyber End Dragon next turn, and he had no answer.

Game 2 - I get a 2nd turn Royal Tribute on him, and he dropped 2 from his hand.  His field was a Shura and Bora, and 2 backrows.  Solemn Judgment is gud.


Match 3 - Tour Guide Plants (Synchrocentric WTF??)
So, this is Tommy.  He's got his playset of TGU, holo'd out Lonefire, Debris and shit but I know I can beat him.  I always seem to, and he gets kinda pissed thinking I'm stacking.

Game 1 - I went first, and Duality'd into a Commandant, Necrovalley and Book of Moon.  Took the Commandant, pitched for Necrovalley, set Recruiter and Royal Tribute'd.  He dropped four from his hand and instantly started bitching about the chances, and implying that I was stacking.  I also noticed he drew an extra card out of turn, knowing he shouldn't be.  I decided not to call Andrew over cause I knew I was going to win anyways and I kind of like Tommy.

I side in D-Fissures, and shuffle shuffle shuffle.  Then I put my deck down for him to cut, and he picks it up and pile shuffles.  Takes a while.  I'm sorta pissed.

Game 2 - He goes first, sets 1 backrow, Normal Summons Tengu and ends.  I draw and set a Recruiter and end.  He draws, One for One's with Debris or something into Bulb and does the bullshit with Librarian and Tengu.  I search Commandant with Recruiter's effect, and next turn I draw into Royal Tribute.  So, I Royal Tribute him to check out his remaining hand and it was a Duality and somethin'.  Nothing big, so I decide to push and Dark Hole him.  It goes through, and I set Spy and Skill Drain and end.  Next turn he uses Duality and hits shit.  He sets Monster Reborn and ends.  I draw, holding onto MY Reborn in hand, and flip Spy.  Go Descendant, attack attack and take out his other non-bluff backrow.  He draws and ends.  Next turn, I normal summon Commandant thinking I can go for game but I was reading the wrong side of the LP counter.  I end up beating him down with my Descendant like one should.


Match 4 - Dark Worlds
Oh god.  Please no.  This guy I always know I can beat, but I know I'm going to lose from the start.  Worst match-up.  Ever.

Game 1 - Draw Royal Tribute, Necrovalley, Stele, Recruiter, Duality, something else.  I'm pissed, so I use Duality.  Hit another Royal Tribute.  I set Recruiter and such, gets killed, search Commandant forgetting that Dark Smog exists.  It exists.  He gets rid of my Recruiter after playing Gates over Necrovalley, and proceeds to rape me from there.

Game 2 - I outplay him, and even he admits it.  I hold onto my Heavy, waiting for a Dragged Down into the Grave play, and he knows I've got the Heavy in my hand.  I was making it pretty obvious.  He decides to go for the Dragged Down play, obviously going for the Heavy.  Well fuck Dark Worlds.  Gravekeeper's Watcher that shit.  I heavy him next turn and he doesn't have shit to respond.

Game 3 - Drew all 3 Dualities.  GG.

I have to say it was a fun match, testing my skills that second game.  But against my worst match-up it's hard to even try.


Top 4 - Match 1 - Dark Worlds
Same guy, so why even fucking talk about it?  The same thing happens, except I don't even get one game.


So, I'm leaving.  Pissed.  And Andrew stops me and gives me my extra packs.  I'm like oh yeah... and I let him open my PHSW pack.  I open my extra GENF and TU06 and pull a Pain Painter and Ulty DAD.  Not bad, seeing as I pulled a Sangan from my TU06 entry pack.  My day just got better.

Final Result - 3-1, 0-1

Great pulls, profit is profit.
Sacking Tommy
Running an original deck
Saw some old buds who graduated this year

Dark Worlds, they can go fuck themselves
Getting shitty match-ups the first 2 rounds
Did I mention Dark Worlds?


Monsters x14:
Gravekeeper's Spy x3
Gravekeeper's Commandant x3
Gravekeeper's Recruiter x3
Gravekeeper's Descendant x2
Malefic Cyber End Dragon x3

Spells x14:
Pot of Duality x3
Necrovalley x3
Gravekeeper's Stele x2
Royal Tribute x2
Book of Moon x1
Dark Hole x1
Monster Reborn x1
Heavy Storm x1

Traps x12:
Solemn Warning x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Skill Drain x2
Mirror Force x1
Mind Crush x2
Dark Bribe x2

I'm now moving on to Karakuri's, only missing a Naturia Beast and Barkion.  Picked up my Neutrons for cheap 2 weeks ago.



Thoughts on YCS Kansas City, and why the game costs too much again.

Well, the Kansas City decklists are out - http://www.konami.com/yugioh/blog/?p=7696

There were three Agent builds, two Karakuri decks, a lone Dark World deck, three Rabbit Exceed builds (told you it would top, Chow and Epicake, you fuckin yellow assholes), six Tengu Plant builds, and then one Chaos deck which I actually like. Good to see Dimensional Alchemist winning, even if it was probably a fluke.

And if you pay close attention, you'll notice that not only did Konami come up with some dumbass name for Tengu Plant (synchrocentric? da fuk?), 13 of the top 16 decks ran Tour Guide at three. The three that didn't were Karakuri and the Dark World build (why).

And that's fucked.

The game is catering to the money players again, just like it was before the Duality/Warning reprint. The message here is that unless you're going to spend upwards of $500 on a deck, you're not going to win. And there are only two ways out.

1. Reprint Tour Guide.
2. Limit/Ban Tour Guide.

That's not to say that Tour Guide is broken. Not at all. It's good, sure. It's also semi-splashable, and it provides Chaos food for Agents and searches the deck in Dark Worlds. But the real problem is that it's near-impossible to get unless you're incredibly trade-savvy or have a lot of money to waste. How healthy is it when the top 90% of decks cost $600 at the very least? It isn't. At all. Now, I don't exactly want TGU banned, but it should be cut down to one like Stratos was back after the Perfect Circle format. Basically, it should only be consistent in a few specific decks (Fabled, Dark World, etc.) to be a healthy card for the game.

On a side note, I feel really bad for the three Rabbit Exceed players. Triple TGU, triple Rabbit and double Laggia/Dolkka. One dude ran BLS, double Veiler and triple Maxx "C". Offhand, I'd say that deck cost... about $1400. And they didn't even win.




Fugglor's Tourney Report - 11/12

Took my Full Monster build to Locals today. Right before the tourney I scored three T.G. Striker and T.G. Warwolf off Epicake, so there's that. I'll put up the build at the end of the post.

Match 1 - Beatdown Exceed

This one was balls easy. First thing he did was summon Drill Barnacle; I thought he was gonna be doing some Generation Diva shit, but he flipped some random Normal 3* and made Leviathan Dragon. I discarded Spore for Quickdraw and sacked it for Caius... xD bad play is bad, but it got rid of Leviathan and he couldn't recover. I kept Caiusing his vanilla beaters (Alexandrite Dragon, Dark Blade, and some 1600 GENF card), and summoned Trishula for game. Game 2 went the same way.

Match 2 - Epicake and Gravekeepers

FUCKIN ANDREW. (our tourney's resident Asian judge)

I knew this would happen. Gravekeepers are my worst matchup, as everything I do either targets the Graveyard or removes shit from play. Well, I won the dice roll, so I went first.

1. He drew garbage. No Necrovalley, no good beaters, no good backrows. Kept hitting him for damage until he set something; then I summoned Trishula and RFGed his field/hand. I felt sort of bad.
2. This time, he got Necrovalley out first turn. I drew a mostly-garbage hand, summoned Rai-Oh, and passed. Eventually, I managed to get Treeborn in the grave, and tributed for Mobius, blowing only Necrovalley (afraid of Starlight Road). I made a Scrap Dragon after that, decided not to hit his backrow, and Scrap Dragon got D-Prisoned. He played Necrovalley next turn and Royal Tributed my hand. I lost this one.
3. This one was close as hell. I was basically setting things, blocking the damage until I could draw into some answers. Eventually, he was at 6000 from using Warning, I was at 2000-something, and drew into Rai-Oh. I managed to make Brionac, bounced Necrovalley, summoned BLS, and brought Level Eater and Glow-Up back for game.

Match 3 - Bad Gravekeepers
I played this little Indian kid who was running what looked like the Marik structure deck. I felt bad beating him; he had no idea what most of my cards did and looked so sad when I attacked for game. Kept Caiusing his monsters and made a Drill Warrior. He used Nightmare Wheel on my Drill, which I removed during MP2... wanted to just let him use it on Caius, but I won the next turn without it.

Match 4 - Jared and Legendary Six Samurai
This game pissed me off SO much.
1. I controlled easily with Caius and Trishula (seems to be a pattern), I Dark Holed and Heavy Stormed on opening and just sort of won effortlessly. My first thought was, "Oh shit, I don't need to side. This dude sucks." FUCKING MISTAKE.
2. This one would have been mine. I did a summon out of order and got Warninged. Then he Mirror Forced me. Fucker set three first turn. Either way, chalked it up to luck, and didn't side again Game 3.
3. Everything was going my way until he Torrentialed my field. Luckily, I hadn't Normal Summoned, and I had Gallis in hand. Game seemed imminent.
"Reveal Gallis?"
"Mill one."
...Pot of Avarice.
He made a fucking Shi En the next turn, backed it up with three backrow and a Kizan, and gamed me.

I wanted to play Chow in the finals... if we'd both won the tourney it would have been fucking sick, but NO. Gallis fucked me over. And the sad thing is, I can't cut any of the spells. They're all game-changing if I draw them.

Final Result - 3-1

Well, whatever. I walked away with some stuff I really needed, and learned something about my deck. Not a total loss. I am gonna go back and thrash the shit out of it next week though. On to the deck.

Monsters - 37

3x Gallis the Star Beast
2x Card Trooper
1x Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
3x Junk Synchron
2x Doppelwarrior
3x Quickdraw Synchron
2x Level Eater
2x T.G. Striker
2x T.G. Warwolf
1x Lonefire Blossom
1x Dandylion
1x Spore
1x Glow-Up Bulb
3x Reborn Tengu
2x Genex Ally Birdman
2x Effect Veiler
1x Treeborn Frog
2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

Spells - 3

1x Pot of Avarice
1x Heavy Storm
1x Dark Hole

Side Deck

1x Battle Fader
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2x Cyber Dragon
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Mobius the Frost Monarch
2x Puppet Plant
1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
2x Maxx "C"
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh

Extra Deck

1x Shooting Star Dragon
2x Stardust Dragon
1x Formula Synchron
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Ally of Justice Cat Fister
1x Armory Arm
1x Junk Destroyer
1x Junk Archer
2x Drill Warrior
1x Junk Warrior

Changes I have since made:

-1 Stardust Dragon
+1 Road Warrior

-1 Battle Fader
-1 Gorz
+2 Gemini Imps

Changes I would like to make:

-5 ???
+1 Mystic Tomato
+1 Dark Armed Dragon
+1 T.G. Striker
+1 T.G. Rush Rhino
+1 Elder of the Six Samurai

-1 ???
+1 Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En

Cards I would fucking like to have, and that the deck needs to be good:

1 Naturia Beast
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Shooting Quasar Dragon

3 Breaker the Magical Warrior

There you have it, my miserable attempt at taking Locals with a completely unfinished side or extra deck. Not sure if I'm gonna be playing again until Shooting Quasar comes out, and I rip some kid for a Librarian. Until next time~

Chow's Tourney Report 11/12

I think this is my first tourney since the Generation Force sneak peek. Thought I might as well since I won't have another Saturday off work for a while.

Deck: HERO

Match 1 - Scraps
1: He went for Scrap Twin in attempt to blow away my back row. I allowed him to bounce my Warnings and he tried getting over Stratos but I Super Poly'd for Draco Equiste. Controlled the game from there.
2: He made a first turn Scrap Twin. I had Miracle Fusion, Ocean, Woodsman, Dimensional Prison, Parallel World, and MST. I couldn't set up fast enough, kept bouncing my stuff, followed with Scrap Dragon, and I lost.
3: Same as first.

Match 2 - Agents
1 and 2: Scrub. HERO beatdown, LIGHT style. Go Shining and Alius tag team!!

Match 3 - Frogs
1: He started with Tengu. I beat over with Stratos. He goes Swap and sets up Treeborn. Gets Light and Darkness Dragon off next turn. I waste two cards so that Alius could beat over it. Miracle for boss monsters and game.
2: I played too conservatively and he brought out LaDD. I wasted too many resources in attempt to get rid of it and lost.
3: Kept pushing with Rai Oh and Alius, didn't allow him to have more than two monsters out. Yeah I was freakin scared of LaDD haha.

Match 4 - Hopeless
1: I misplayed by not setting Starlight Road and lost a lot of advantage that I could gained off Ice Edge.
2: We traded off monsters a lot towards the end game. He wasted a Dark Hole and Heavy Storm that could have easily screwed me over. He saw my D.Prison and refused to attack with FGD for game. Drew Smashing and game'd him instead.
3: I had a handle of his playing style and forced him to waste his resources before I made big pushes with Poly and Miracle.

At this point, only me and Jared were left undefeated. Andrew said that there was a promo card for first so we decided to just play for it. Strangely, this game was less stress on my heart then the other four games were. 

Match 5 - Legendary Six Samurai
1: He started with Kazeki, Kizan, and Enishi with one back row. I summon Stratos and searched. He pummeled me down to 3800. I blew away his backrow with a timely MST. Miracle Fusion'ed for Nova Master and started plusing off his Sams. He was in top decking mode and I had Fossil Dyna and Nova out. With 2600 left, he set one. I switched Nova to defense and attacked Dyna into a Mirror Force. He commented on my good prediction but failed to Smoke Signal into anything that could get over Nova.
2: He started with Shi En and Kizan. I forced Shi En's negation with Dark Hole and then followed with Fusion Gate. Rammed my Zero into his Shi En. I started beating down his monsters, filling up the grave for his Enishi to bounce Shining. By this time, I had accumulated enough HEROs in hand where I just Trinity'd for game.

Pulled Black Garden from my entrance pack. Took a blue DL Call of The Haunted as my promo, a GENF and TU06 pack as my prize. Pulled Goka and SR Chain Disappearance. I'm pretty satisfied now winning my first tourney. Was the only one on the team that hasn't yet x]



Epicake's Thoughts on Mind Crush

Mind Crush
Normal Trap Card
Declare 1 card name. If your opponent has the declared card(s) in their hand, discard all of the declared card(s) to the graveyard. Otherwise, you randomly discard 1 card.

Mind Crush blows my mind. With the September 2011 banlist, this card was brought back to Semi-Limited, from the Limited list. Mind Crush has saved my ass time after time, on Royal Tribute preventing a Royal Tribute, Veiler, Gorz, etc. This trap should have stayed limited, but hey. Konami is retarded. Reasons I absolutely love this card:

1. CrushShoot. This combo was made by some person, some time ago when Mind Crush wasn't Limited, during some time that I had totally forgotten YGO existed. People dropped CrushShoot as soon as Mind Crush went to one, and the consistency of the combo was horrible, but now, Crush is back at two and ready to rape some face.
2. Reading your opponent. When you're playing Mind Crush, you learn how to use it correctly. You can tell if your opponent has a Tragoedia, Gorz, Veiler, Maxx “C”, Heavy Storm or anything that could stop or create a huge play. If you can read your opponent's bluffs correctly, this card is basically a one-for-one with any card in your opponent's hand.
3. Opponents who drop their cards. I love it when they drop their Gorz accidentally, and they don't think I saw it. Teehee. MIND CRUSH BITCHEZZZZ.
4. I allow takebacks, and Mind Crush makes me a happy camper. If an opponent starts a huge ass play, and then they decide they'd rather play it more defensively, and take back their BLS or Dark Hole, Mind Crush just takes it away and ruins all their fun. Proceed to rape.
5. Back when I ran Gravekeepers, this card paired up insanely with Royal Tribute. I recall playing against Dragunities at locals one week (I went 4-0), and I drew GK Commandant, Royal Tribute, Mind Crush x2, and two other un-important cards. I Royal Tribute'd (I'm coining this as a new verb, as Fugglor is coining other shit) and he discarded 4 cards, Phalanx, Aklys, Dux and Dux. Then I Mind Crush'd whatever other shit was in his hand, and proceeded to beat him down with a Descendant.

All in all, this card just makes for really derpy plays if you can read your opponent, or just straight up know what your opponent has in their hand at the time. This card truly promotes skill in this game, and it can make some rages from youropponent. Rages of the Rage Quit kind.


Epicake's Productive Return to TeamRoseBud

So, it's been a while since I've posted on this blog, and frankly reading all my other posts, they're worthless so you probably didn't miss them at all.  Anyways, Team Rose Bud is back after a seven month absence.  I personally have gone through deck after deck, from Gladiator Beasts to X-Sabers, to Gravekeeper's to T.G. Sabers, and then finally settling on Fableds, where I'm at now.  Chow and I have been playing all these months, in person and virtually.  Recently, Fugglor decided to jump back onto the YGO bandwagon, and who can blame him?  Nobody really quits YGO, that's just fact. 

Fableds.  I think I've finally found a deck with a playstyle I can really enjoy.  This would be any deck that can maintain control throughout a game, but also pull of those derpy moments for the trololols.  The reasons I decided to build this deck are as follows:
1.      Heavy Storm is back.  I.  Fucking.  Love.  This.  Card.  It promotes skill, and a better format in general without your opponent normal summoning a TKRO, setting five and ending. 
2.      Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning.  God knows why Konami brought this card back, but hey.  It's kinda fun and derpy. 
3.      Tour Guide from the Underworld.  This card is just straight up broke, and of course it has to be worth $180, so I can only afford one.  It also pulls Fabled Kushano, which is just amazing. Extra TGU targets means less pulling of TGU with TGU. 
4.      Reborn Tengu.  Makes for extreme consistency in any deck that uses synchro summoning. 
5.      Ancient Sacred Wyvern.  Oh, man.  This card makes me cream in my pants every time I sync for him.  Wyvern is a game finisher.  It can maintain field presence, and is a high beat stick if you use him correctly.  Just, Oh my God. 

Monsters x25:
Tour Guide from the Underworld x1
Sangan x1
Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning x1
Snipe Hunter x2
Spirit Reaper x1 (Cheap Ass Tour Guide)
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1
Dandylion x1
Glow-Up Bulb x1
Reborn Tengu x3
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole x1
The Fabled Cerburrel x3
The Fabled Chawa x2
The Fabled Ganashia x3
Fabled Grimro x3
Fabled Kushano x1

Spells x8:
Pot of Avarice x1
Heavy Storm x1
Monster Reborn x1
Dark Hole x1
Book of Moon x1
Mind Control x1
Lightning Vortex x1
Pot of Duality x1

Traps x7:
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Mirror Force x1
Torrential Tribute x1

This deck has the explosiveness of Fableds, and the consistency of Tour Guides.  The reason that this deck works, is basically because it runs Dark and Light types.  Here are my explanations for the above cards:

Tour Guide from the Underworld/Sangan/Spirit Reaper (TGU #2):
          This engine needs to be used in every deck this format.  If you aren't running TGU, you're losing.  (Not necessarily, but you know what I mean).  Having such a broken card is just necessary.  The engine also has synergy with BLS plays, and TGU can pull Kushano.  #IJustCame

Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning:
          Fresh off the banlist.  I just picked my copy up a few days ago, finally got the chance to rip a kid off for it.  Bunch of Glad Beast commons for a BLS?  Yes PLEASE.  Anyways, this card is just Chaos Sorcerer on steroids, and is a free boss monster. 

Snipe Hunter:
          Snipe Hunter hates me.  I always end up rolling a 1 or 6 whenever I go to activate his effect.  Really pisses me the fuck off.  Field destruction is always nice, and if you pitch a Cerburrel or Ganashia with his effect there's no minus so Hell, why not?  Also a Dark.

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness:
          This badass is Dark, and can turn games around in the blink of an eye.  If an opponent knows you've got this mothafucka in your hand, they're for SURE not gonna attack.  Game changer, nuff said.

Dandylion/Glow-Up Bulb:
          Okay, this is my Plant engine.  Dandylion creates Formula Synchron plays with Chawa and Bulb, and the tokens can fend off attacks, make different level synchros, etc. etc. etc.  Bulb is just such a splashable tuner that I would rather shoot myself in the penis than not run him.  Both of these guys work well with the deck since you can discard them with ease, such as Brio and Snipe Hunter plays.

Reborn Tengu:
          Tengu, the other broken TCG exclusive.  Makes for huge synchro plays, especially with Chawa.  Makes easy Fabled Ragin's/Hyper Librarians.

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole:
          This is my personal tech, I've loved this card since I first picked it up, and although it has no relation to the deck it is still an amazing card this format.  People tend to waste their Warnings, Veilers, Mirror Forces on this mofo.  Grand Mole bounces shit like Gachi Gachi, Zenmaines, Stardust, and any other Synchro/Exceed.  Just amazing.

The Fabled Cerburrel, The Fabled Chawa, Fabled Grimro, Fabled Kushano, The Fabled Ganashia:
          This is my Fabled “engine.”  This format, I have to call it an engine.  This deck really is based around quick synchro plays with easy Special Summons, and of course BLS plays.  Fableds just happen to have both those traits, AND they're Light. 

So that's the monster line-up of the deck.  A majority of it is pretty self-explanatory, but if you've got any other questions on why I run it just ask in the comments below!

Pot of Avarice x1
Heavy Storm x1
Dark Hole x1
Monster Reborn x1
Book of Moon x1
Mind Control x1
Lightning Vortex x1
These cards, IMO are just straight up necessary.  This deck would probably work even better if Pot of Avarice had stayed unlimited.  You're graveyard always ends up full, and only having the ability to draw into one of these broken cards, Epicake gets sad.  :(  FUCK YOU KONAMI. 

Pot of Duality x1:
          Well, some of you might be yelling at me, or thinking “WTF is this dumbass thinking?  I should just stop reading now.”  Don't do that.  Duality makes for great consistency, as if you don't draw into a good enough hand to explode, you probably end up with Duality in hand. 

Thats the Spells.  Total of eight.  The traps in this deck are all necessary to be run, since you've got the space to do so.  I also get the feeling that people are going to stop putting their MST's in the main, after all the YCS tops running only Trap Dustshoot.  Seven traps to me, is the perfect number.  A majority of the time you draw into one of them, and only one of them. 

So, that's my deck profile.  Welcome back to Chow and Fugglor, and fuck you Brah for losing my copy of Pokemon Black.  I clocked over 150 hours on that thing, you son of a bitch.



No. 10 Illumiknight

Just realized something. Most people think this card is garbage. But most people don't run OFFERING GADGET. *jizz*
Might be reason enough to build that shit. If I can get a Steelswarm Roach...

Fugglor's Lament/Deck Profile - Karakuri OTK

So, by now you all probably know that I love me some 'splosion decks. If I can't drop a first turn Quasar, or draw 10 cards in a turn, I'm not gonna like the deck all too much.


I'm stuck playing Full Monster and Machine Duplication decks. After the September banlist, my Fishborg Surge (the only consistent deck I ever created ;_;) was boned hardcore. Full Monster without Formula Synchron was just kinda... meh, until Shooting Quasar and a legal Gallis came out. Now that shit's gonna be my main forever and ever and ever. But it's always good to have a backup, which leads me to...


Monsters - 19

3x Karakuri Merchant
3x Karakuri Ninja "Kuick"
3x Karakuri Soldier
3x Karakuri Strategist
3x Karakuri Ninishi
1x Karakuri Haipa
1x Karakuri Ninja "Sazank"
1x Karakuri Watchdog
1x Cyber Dragon

Spells - 15

3x Machine Duplication
3x Karakuri Anatomy
3x Karakuri Borrowed Warehouse
2x Instant Fusion
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Limiter Removal

Traps - 6

1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Call of the Haunted
2x Dark Bribe

I've been perfecting this shit since before Ninishi came out. Proxied her ass once she was OCG legal, and tested this against Chow and Epicake. It's been working wonders. Not quite a tournament deck; it's got about an 85% OTK rate, but the other 15% it falls flat on its ass. Not too sure I want to be running that when it matters, but it's a great casual deck and cost next to nothing to build. ON TO DA EXPRANATION.

3x Karakuri Merchant

This dude needs to be ran at 3. He pulls over 50% of the deck, and opens up Brionac/Naturia Beast plays. He's also Dupeable, and can make a Gachi Gachi. xD

3x Karakuri Ninja "Kuick"
3x Karakuri Soldier
1x Karakuri Haipa

The Synchro bitches of the deck. Pretty much only in here to pull off the combo. Soldier works fairly well on its own though, being able to pull Ninishi from the deck. Kuick can be helpful if the OTK fails, by pulling the Tuners back from the grave. Haipa's a big ass beater, and gets Anatomy tokens.

3x Karakuri Strategist
3x Karakuri Ninishi

The Dupeable tuners. Ninishi works even without Dupe though, which is great because I don't always draw it. Strategist gets Anatomy tokens, and sets off the Bureido draw.

1x Karakuri Ninja "Sazank"

Sazank is a good out to Stardust, Shi En and Kristya, and also makes an easy Brionac with Ninishi.

1x Karakuri Watchdog

Allows for Bureido without relying on Cyber Dragon or Instant Fusion. Also helps make a Stardust to protect my shit if they Fader. Might bump him up to 2, not sure yet.

1x Cyber Dragon

Should really be in here at two, but that yellow bastard Chow has all the rest of them.

3x Machine Duplication

The OTK card. Works well at 2, but 3 is more explosive >:D Ninishi is the preferred Dupe target for obvious reasons, but Strategist can turn dead Anatomies into four cards. I'd like to point out that if for some reason your OTK is stopped, you can Exceed Summon Leviair, Zenmaines or Leviathan. Not bad, but not really preferred.

3x Karakuri Anatomy
3x Karakuri Borrowed Warehouse

The consistency. Both searchable by Merchant, both add shit to my hand. In other builds, they're not quite as necessary in threes, but I need to search out my Ninishis fast. Also helps if I have Ninishi and no other monster. Normal Ninishi, Borrowed Warehouse into Soldier or some shit, second Normal Summon it, Machine Dupe Ninishi, OTK shit right there.

2x Instant Fusion

Fucking awesome card. Makes the OTK happen so much faster and so much more often.

1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Limiter Removal

Staples. As for Limiter Removal, helps me beat over things with Kuick, summon a Tuner, and Synchro to avoid it getting blown up. Also, OTK and stuff.

1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning

Running them because I have the deck space. Judgment protects against Dark Hole, Warning stops Brionac and Black Rose from ruining my day.

1x Call of the Haunted

Probably gonna get dumped for a second Watchdog, or maybe a Pot of Avarice, but helps recuperate losses if the initial Ninishi is Veilered or something.

2x Dark Bribe

Protects my plays, protects my Shoguns if the OTK fails so I can do it next turn.

There we are, my second masturbation deck of the week. I've seriously summoned Ninishi, played Machine Dupe and the opponent scoops to avoid the massive amounts of touching myself I'm about to do. I'm gonna cut this post off here, I'm feeling kind of sick and I want to test some more.

Peace, my Yugioh niggahs.


Yeah. We vanished 7 months ago. Unlike Rauzes and many other bloggers who have stopped with YGO during our absence, we left the blogging community without a formal goodbye.

Times have changed. Brah has left the group for college, his money going towards tuition instead of shiny cardboard (Brah). Another member lives two hours away from the rest of us (Orgymaster). A third quit the game (Fugglor)...or so he thought. In the end, there was two (Me and Epicake).

Even in our absence, we were still HAMing this game! Dueling Network has allowed us to tests variety of decks with people from all over the globe. The only problem is a majority of players are scrubs, jerks, or clueless about rulings which doesn't make it the ideal place for testing. Nevertheless, DN has done wonders by bring me back into the game when I was trying to push it away from me.

I'd be lying if I told you guys playing the same deck for 6 years wasn't boring. HEROs are a versatile archetype, expanding everywhere from Elemental, to Destiny, to Evil, and now to Masked and Vision. Even with all this support, I still felt bored every now and then. Two months ago, I went on a temporary haitus, an attempt to focus on college and get away from such childish activities. This was short lived as Fugglor dove back into the game and is now more feisty than ever.

With his and Epicake's constant nagging, I've been able to develop two new decks that aren't HERO based. I feel like they DO have the same strategy as my current HERO Gate build: swarm. It doesn't matter if it's with big monsters or small monsters. I realized that this aggressive strategy has been my playing style all along as I've been attracted to many decks in the past with this concept (i.e. Infernities). It's either that or decks that makes very flashy plays.

In fact, I've got a flashy deck right here just for you guys in celebration of our rebirth~~~~~~~~

A little background history before I go on to the decklist: when E.HERO Air Neos was first released, people tried utilizing his effect to its fullest by running three Solemn Judgments. Three Judgments would certainly add a lot of potential to Air Neos along with a lot of control to the deck. However, on September 2009, Solemn was sent to the limited portion of the list for the good of the game and Air Neos lost a core part of the deck.

 Fast forward to 2011, a time where hand traps are the new dangers of the format, where a timely Effect Veiler can give a player chance to make a come back, Maxx "C" forces the opponent to reconsider whether or not they want to go on a Special-Summon-spamming spree, and a timely Gorz will change the outcome of the game. Even with all these dangers (namely Veiler and Herald), a HERO will never give up until the very end! 

This is AIR NEOS OTK 2.0!!!

Monsters (14)
E.HERO Neos x2
E.HERO Stratos x1
E.HERO Prisma x3
E.HERO Necroshade x1
N. Air Hummingbird x3
N. Aqua Dolphin x1
N. Grand Mole x1
Thunder King Rai-Oh x2

Spells (18)
Pot of Duality x2
E - Emergency Call x3
Convert Contact x1
A Hero Lives x3
Dark Hole x1
Heavy Storm x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Monster Reborn x1
O - Over Soul x1
Miracle Fusion x2
Future Fusion x1

Traps (8)
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Call of the Haunted x2
Mind Crush x2
Trap Dustshoot x1

Extra (15)
E.HERO Air Neos x2
E.HERO Storm Neos x1
E.HERO Grand Neos x1
E.HERO Shining x3
E.HERO Absolute Zero x2
E.HERO Great Tornado x1
E.HERO Nova Master x1
E.HERO Escuridao x1
E.HERO Gaia x1
E.HERO Darkbright x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
No.17 Leviathan Dragon x1

A Hero Lives and Solemn Warning are two new toys that Konami has to offer this deck. With A Hero Lives, you can pay half your life to summon Prisma, dump Neos, summon Hummingbird, and contact for Air Neos! You can potentially have a first turn monster with 6500 attack! Throw in an Over Soul and that's game if you have a clear field. A neat trick I've done once was Live into Prisma, dump Necro, Dark Hole, then Lives into Prisma, dump Bird, summon Neos with Necro, contact for an Air Neos with 8500~ Can someone say game?

Veiler kills our win condition but that's why Dustshoot and Mind Crush are in there.

Overall, this deck was just for funzies and the build that I have posted right now is really not that solid. To me, it's very weak and could use a lot more tweaking. It lacks good back up plays besides Miracle Fusion which I only have at two. 

This deck was only for nostalgia purposes. I promise you guys that I'll get around to showing you guys the new decks I've been working on and that all my posts won't be about HEROs. During that time, I hope you guys will continue reading our blog and supporting us ;)



Deck Profile - Gallis Doppel

It's been almost half a year since anyone made a damn blog post. I have an excuse; I quit playing to try and save money, but Chow and Epicake have been playing the whole time. The fuhhhhk. It's time to bring this shit back, and since I just got my set of Gallis and Tengus... DECK PROFILE GOOOO


Fugglor's New and Improved Fishborg-less Monster Surge Featuring Doppelwarrior!

Monsters - 38

3x Gallis the Star Beast
2x Card Trooper
1x Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

2x Junk Synchron
3x Quickdraw Synchron
2x Synchron Explorer
1x Unknown Synchron
2x Doppelwarrior
2x Level Eater
2x Genex Ally Birdman

3x Deep Sea Diva
1x Spined Gillman

3x Reborn Tengu

2x Effect Veiler

1x Glow-Up Bulb
1x Dandylion
1x Spore

1x Treeborn Frog

2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

Spells - 2

1x Pot of Avarice
1x One for One

Side Deck

2x Puppet Plant
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
3x Breaker the Magical Warrior
2x Jinzo
1x Gemini Imps
2x Maxx "C"
2x Battle Fader
1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

Extra Deck

1x Shooting Quasar Dragon
1x Shooting Star Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Formula Synchron
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Brionac, Fake-ass Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Junk Destroyer
2x Drill Warrior
1x Junk Warrior
1x Road Warrior
1x Ally of Justice Cat Fister
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Tech Genus Hyper Librarian
1x Scrap Dragon

~Before I go into the deck, some cards that I either don't have, or wanted to run but couldn't find room for~

1x Lonefire Blossom
2x Mystic Tomato
1x Lost Blue Breaker (as soon as I get one Gillman is getting tossed in the trash)
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Debris Dragon
1x Dark Armed Dragon
2x Destiny Hero - Malicious
1x Tuningware
3x Dimensional Alchemist
1x Symphonic Warrior Basses
1x Junk Synchron

Now that we've got that done... on to the explanation.

3x Gallis the Star Beast
2x Card Trooper
1x Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

The milling engine. Helps me dump crap like Level Eater and the Plants without having to rely on drawing them and Quickdraw. All of these plus on their own too, which is an important part of a Monster Surge deck.

2x Junk Synchron
3x Quickdraw Synchron
2x Synchron Explorer
1x Unknown Synchron
2x Doppelwarrior
2x Level Eater
2x Genex Ally Birdman

The Synchro engine. Junk Synchron really should be at 3 in here, but I just couldn't find room. I'll test some more. Anyways, we have Quickdraw to work with Level Eater and the massive amounts of tokens from Doppelwarrior. Notice that almost all of them plus, or are involved in a plus.

Synchron Explorer, Unknown Synchron and the multiple copies of Level Eater let me do a three card Shooting Quasar Dragon. Quickdraw, dump fodder, and Synchron Explorer in hand, Level Eater in grave or as the dump fodder. Discard to summon Quickdraw. Level Eat Quickdraw, make Junk Warrior. Level Eat Junk Warrior, Normal Summon Synchron Explorer, revive Quickdraw, make Road Warrior. Summon Unknown Synchron with Road's effect. Level Eat Road Warrior, make Formula Synchron. Level Eat Road Warrior again, synch Junk Warrior (4*), Road Warrior (6*), and Formula Synchron (2*) for Shooting Quasar Dragon. Field: Level Eater, Shooting Quasar Dragon.

Doppelwarrior combos nicely with Synchron Explorer, Junk Synchron, Level Eater and the Plants. Birdman allows for some awesome shit with Gallis, works with the tokens from Dandylion and Doppelwarrior, and can return Effect Veilers Junk Synchron pulls to the hand.

3x Deep Sea Diva
1x Spined Gillman

3x Reborn Tengu

Deep Sea Divas and Gillman provide a backup Synchro engine, and can open up shenanigans with Level Eater. Tengu does the same. Notice the theme of plussing still at work here.

2x Effect Veiler

The only real minus in the deck sans Quickdraw. It's the "trap" of the deck. It protects my monsters like Quasar and Librarian from being Brionac'd (new verb), Trishula'd (second new verb) and Caiused (existing verb.) Can't be having my boss monsters being removed, can I? It's not quite the end of the world though. This deck can literally empty its extra deck on the drop of a hat.

1x Glow-Up Bulb
1x Dandylion
1x Spore

Da Prant Engine. Needs moar Lonefire, but I couldn't find quite enough room. Spore is dead a lot, but it's also a level 1 Tuner, so I'm not gonna complain. Junk Synchron shenanigans, I can end up with the Librarian-Formula combo. All of them replace themselves or plus.

1x Treeborn Frog

I think I'm just stubborn with this guy. I don't even really need him, he just provides Tribute fodder for Caius and opens up a bit more Synchro options. Might be dumping him for Tuningware, who's also a plus but that fits more with the deck.

2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

The removal engine of the deck. Caius gets rid of shit like Kristya, and other stuff that gives my deck grief. BLS is just too fuckin good not to run, but I only have four Lights in here (five with Tuningware)... Might drop him for Lonefire. I have enough boss monsters as is, with Quasar, Shooting Star, and the rest of my Synchros.

1x Pot of Avarice
1x One for One

The only two Spells I was willing to risk a Gallis mill for. Pot of Avarice pulls all of my Junk Synchrons, Veilers, and the like back to the deck for reuse, and gives me a plus while doing so. One for One pulls Spore, Glow-Up and Level Eater to the field and helps dump stuff I don't want. I don't really count it as a minus, because 99% of the time it ends up as a Shooting Quasar Dragon.



PS. Fuck you Brah, quitting and moving to Illinois. Asshole.