
Gateway of the Six HEROES

Messenger of Hades - Gorz x1
Tragoedia x1
Wicked Emperor Gaius x3
E-HERO Hell Brat x2
E-HERO Malicious Edge x1
E.HERO Airman x1
E.HERO Ocean x2
E.HERO Heat x2
E.HERO Prismer x2
N - Groun Mole x1
Snowman Eater x2

E - Emergency Call x3
Future Fusion x1
Fusion Gate x3
Miracle Fusion x2
Dark Calling x1
Parallel World Fusion x1
Hurricane x1
Cyclone x2
Book of Moon x2

Declaration of God x1
Warning of God x2
Torrential Burial x1
Holy Barrier - Mirror Force x1
Cry of the Living Dead x1

E.HERO Escuridao x3
E.HERO Absolute Zero x3
E.HERO Shining x2
E.HERO Gaia x1
E.HERO Great Tornado x1
E.HERO Nova Master x1
E.HERO the Earth x1
E.HERO Flame Blast x1
E-HERO Dark Gaia x1
E-HERO Malicious Devil x1
V.HERO Trinity x1

This is basically a very rough idea of something I would like to try out. 

Tragoedia + Stealing an opponent's monster = FUSION GATE TIME! :D

The only thing that irks me is that I feel like I'm not running enough E.HEROES :(


  1. You should start putting both Engreesh and Asian names when they conflict/aren't obvious.

  2. I'm using the OCG names for decks that are only available in the OCG. The decks that I'll actually be using the in the TCG will be typed in Engwish

  3. Looks delicious.

    mmmm e-heroes

  4. Dude don't listen to Brah, all of these were workable :D love the deck dude.

  5. Yeah, they were, I was just saying.
