
Epicake's Tourney Report - 11/26

So I decided to run Skill Drain Gravekeeper's yesterday at the Box Tourney, after testing against Fugglor and Chow 8 times.  8-0 (although Fugglor keeps raving about beating me one game, but not the match).  I walked in and saw all the "competitive" players getting ready to play and knew it'd be a fun day.

Match 1 - Six Samurai
This is the kid that Fugglor lost to 2 weeks ago, underestimating him.  This made me overestimate him, and so I 2-0'd him easy as hell.

Game 1 - I've got Necrovalley on the field, and he uses some trap that reduces your life points to 100 and special summon Six Sam's from your grave.  So, he reduced and I pointed at Necrovalley, and he just picked his shit up.  XD

Game 2 - Malefic Cyber End beatdown time.  He drew crap.  Probably cause his deck was crap.


Match 2 - Blackwings
Another easy match-up, really Andrew?  My tiebreakers are gonna frickin suck... This kid was running all the shitty blackwings, and speaking like one would in the Anime.  2-0... hella easy.

Game 1 - He foolish burial's a Vayu, and Paco sitting right next to me starts laughing.  He attacked into my Recruiter with a Shura and I flipped Skill Drain, and searched Commandant.  Dropped Malefic Cyber End Dragon next turn, and he had no answer.

Game 2 - I get a 2nd turn Royal Tribute on him, and he dropped 2 from his hand.  His field was a Shura and Bora, and 2 backrows.  Solemn Judgment is gud.


Match 3 - Tour Guide Plants (Synchrocentric WTF??)
So, this is Tommy.  He's got his playset of TGU, holo'd out Lonefire, Debris and shit but I know I can beat him.  I always seem to, and he gets kinda pissed thinking I'm stacking.

Game 1 - I went first, and Duality'd into a Commandant, Necrovalley and Book of Moon.  Took the Commandant, pitched for Necrovalley, set Recruiter and Royal Tribute'd.  He dropped four from his hand and instantly started bitching about the chances, and implying that I was stacking.  I also noticed he drew an extra card out of turn, knowing he shouldn't be.  I decided not to call Andrew over cause I knew I was going to win anyways and I kind of like Tommy.

I side in D-Fissures, and shuffle shuffle shuffle.  Then I put my deck down for him to cut, and he picks it up and pile shuffles.  Takes a while.  I'm sorta pissed.

Game 2 - He goes first, sets 1 backrow, Normal Summons Tengu and ends.  I draw and set a Recruiter and end.  He draws, One for One's with Debris or something into Bulb and does the bullshit with Librarian and Tengu.  I search Commandant with Recruiter's effect, and next turn I draw into Royal Tribute.  So, I Royal Tribute him to check out his remaining hand and it was a Duality and somethin'.  Nothing big, so I decide to push and Dark Hole him.  It goes through, and I set Spy and Skill Drain and end.  Next turn he uses Duality and hits shit.  He sets Monster Reborn and ends.  I draw, holding onto MY Reborn in hand, and flip Spy.  Go Descendant, attack attack and take out his other non-bluff backrow.  He draws and ends.  Next turn, I normal summon Commandant thinking I can go for game but I was reading the wrong side of the LP counter.  I end up beating him down with my Descendant like one should.


Match 4 - Dark Worlds
Oh god.  Please no.  This guy I always know I can beat, but I know I'm going to lose from the start.  Worst match-up.  Ever.

Game 1 - Draw Royal Tribute, Necrovalley, Stele, Recruiter, Duality, something else.  I'm pissed, so I use Duality.  Hit another Royal Tribute.  I set Recruiter and such, gets killed, search Commandant forgetting that Dark Smog exists.  It exists.  He gets rid of my Recruiter after playing Gates over Necrovalley, and proceeds to rape me from there.

Game 2 - I outplay him, and even he admits it.  I hold onto my Heavy, waiting for a Dragged Down into the Grave play, and he knows I've got the Heavy in my hand.  I was making it pretty obvious.  He decides to go for the Dragged Down play, obviously going for the Heavy.  Well fuck Dark Worlds.  Gravekeeper's Watcher that shit.  I heavy him next turn and he doesn't have shit to respond.

Game 3 - Drew all 3 Dualities.  GG.

I have to say it was a fun match, testing my skills that second game.  But against my worst match-up it's hard to even try.


Top 4 - Match 1 - Dark Worlds
Same guy, so why even fucking talk about it?  The same thing happens, except I don't even get one game.


So, I'm leaving.  Pissed.  And Andrew stops me and gives me my extra packs.  I'm like oh yeah... and I let him open my PHSW pack.  I open my extra GENF and TU06 and pull a Pain Painter and Ulty DAD.  Not bad, seeing as I pulled a Sangan from my TU06 entry pack.  My day just got better.

Final Result - 3-1, 0-1

Great pulls, profit is profit.
Sacking Tommy
Running an original deck
Saw some old buds who graduated this year

Dark Worlds, they can go fuck themselves
Getting shitty match-ups the first 2 rounds
Did I mention Dark Worlds?


Monsters x14:
Gravekeeper's Spy x3
Gravekeeper's Commandant x3
Gravekeeper's Recruiter x3
Gravekeeper's Descendant x2
Malefic Cyber End Dragon x3

Spells x14:
Pot of Duality x3
Necrovalley x3
Gravekeeper's Stele x2
Royal Tribute x2
Book of Moon x1
Dark Hole x1
Monster Reborn x1
Heavy Storm x1

Traps x12:
Solemn Warning x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Skill Drain x2
Mirror Force x1
Mind Crush x2
Dark Bribe x2

I'm now moving on to Karakuri's, only missing a Naturia Beast and Barkion.  Picked up my Neutrons for cheap 2 weeks ago.



  1. Alright.. You beat me that one game. But still. Didn't lose that day. And I still overestimated him cause you made me think he was even decent. Turns out not..

  2. Royal Tribute can go kill itself.

  3. That's totally your fault for thinking he was, he was totally terrible but I had the worst luck. Oh, Tommy also has TGUs.
