
Disaster Dragon Until the March Banlist

I believe it's been over a year since my last Disaster decklist, so suffice it to say that this has been a long time coming. This format is one of the best to run Disaster in, given the prevalence of tour guide, agents, lightsworn, darkworld, and chaos variants, as well as the popular light and dark synchroes (Catastor, Librarian, Formula, etc.). A field of just Koaki Meiru Drago and a few backrow is often enough to lock down the average opponent's plays early on. Now, with the release of Divine Dragon Apocralyph in Order of Chaos, Disaster can finally try its hand at "reverse toolboxing", reusing dragons in the grave. I firmly believe that Apocralyph is what could really push many dragon decks over the edge; the ability to reuse cards like REDM and Yamata Dragon allows Disaster to set up big swarms and reverse bad situations. Anyways, here's the decklist:

Monsters: 20
3x Koaki Meiru Drago
3x Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
2x Red Eyes Wyvern
3x Masked Dragon
2x Divine Dragon Apocralyph
2x Totem Dragon
2x Delta Flyer
1x Exploder Dragon
1x Yamata Dragon
1x Prime Material Dragon

Spells: 13
3x Pot of Duality
2x Dragon Ravine
1x Future Fusion
1x Monster Reborn
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
3x Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps: 7
2x Solemn Warning
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Solemn Judgement

1x Five Headed Dragon
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x Trident Dragion
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Dark End Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Exploder Dragonwing
1x Brionac Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Orient Dragon

This is the most consistent this deck has ever been. Triple Duality helps to pretty much ensure your hand will always be live. The impact of Apocralyph cannot be understated here. This card is one of the best dragon support cards ever released because it gives us the ability to really weigh our options and choose the best course of action for a given situation. If you need to turn a game around fast you recycle REDM; if you need to set up your lock you recycle Drago; if you need to get rid of a big beater quickly you recycle Exploder Dragon. Plus, it can be searched out by Masked Dragon. There is so much we can do now with just a few cards in hand and a well set up graveyard.

Another big thing for this deck in this format is the new XYZ cards available to us. The new rulings for Totem Dragon say that it isn't removed from play by its own effect if it was used as an XYZ material (like with Plaguespreader). This goes together perfectly with Delta Flyer in making rank 3 XYZ or level 6 synchroes. Now, we can go into Leviathan when we want a beater, Leviair when we want to reuse banished monsters, Brionac when we want to set up an OTK or blow away a menacing field, or Orient Dragon to get rid of annoying synchroes without disrupting future Totem Dragon plays. These options combined with REDM open up this deck as one that can easily abuse the extra deck.

When playing this deck, you should know that you should always focus on control. Your first priority in most cases will be to keep Drago on the field; always wait to start your swarms. I advise that you not play Future Fusion or activate Dragon Ravine when your opponent has a backrow, unless you have a good idea of what this backrow is, as a stray MST or Solemn Warning can really slow you down. Always play conservatively, as this deck can have trouble keeping hand advantage if you commit too much to the field at the wrong times; as a rule, always try and have at least 2 cards in hand. All that being said, use your judgement and you can set up some truly spectacular plays. What I love about this deck is that it requires a lot of thought to run it well, and a different pilot can take a given situation and produce vastly different results.

Some other options for this deck include Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon, Light and Darkness Dragon, and the upcoming Light Pulsar Dragon. Galaxy is great against XYZ, and gives you an out in a lot of bad situations with its ability to dodge battle phase effects, but I will side it until XYZ become more prevalent than synchroes in the meta. Light and Darkness is a bit of a liability this format with lightsworns and chaos running around and finding ways around it, and should be dropped or replaced with Yamata Dragon, whose massive plus is far easier to pull off this format with triple MST and Heavy Storm. As for Pulsar, I will explain my stance later. Also, while I prefer the all dragon approach, mainly due to the Totem Dragon plays mentioned above, many believe Totem should be ditched or sided to make room for Effect Veilers and Thunder King Raiohs, 2 of the best generic control cards in the game. My problem with this is the consistency issues that come with Koaki Drago and not having enough dragons in your deck, but it is a personal choice, and many have found this more consistent. I would advise you to try this out, as well as the devastating combo of Trap Dustshoot and double Mind Crush, to see what works best for you.

Please leave any questions or comments below, and have fun with your new dragons!