3x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
3x Lightpulsar Dragon
3x Darkflare Dragon
1x BLS - Envoy of the Beginning
3x Eclipse Wyvern
3x Divine Dragon Apocralyph
1x Dark Armed Dragon
2x Tragoedia
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Effect Veiler
2x Maxx "C"
1x Zephyros the Elite
3x Gallis the Star Beast
3x Genex Ally Birdman
2x Card Trooper
3x Dimensional Alchemist
Spells - 5
1x Future Fusion
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mind Control
I'm really brain-dead right now but I'll try to explain a bit. Ignore typos or poorly worded phrases.
The Chaos Dragons (Lightpulsar, Darkflare, Eclipse) are the main engine. First two SS themselves, third adds REDMD to hand so you can swarm harder. Apocralyph is in here not only because it's a Dark Dragon but allows you to fill your grave with Lights/Darks and get back REDMD or a Chaos thingy. It's also NSable which has always been a slight problem for Dragons.
Dark Armed is standard for decks that run both Darks and GY control, and the hand traps (Trago, Gorz, Veiler, Maxx) are in here for protection.
Gallis/Birdman make cool plays with Leviair, and also allow for a bit of Synchro shenanigans. Zephyros lets you mill again with Gallis while also grabbing a +1. There are five level 10 monsters in here too, which means a 1 in 7 chance to deal 2000 damage first turn with a Gallis.
Trooper's in here to fill the Graveyard while killing stuff like Rai-Oh and Roach, and D-Alc's here to pull used cards to hand late game and to pull together a strategy early game. Doesn't hurt that he's a Light.
Spells are standard, opening Future Fusion and a single Chaos Dragon usually means game and on the second turn, if they don't set anything, it DOES mean game.
This was sort of a warmup post, trying to get back into blogging more since Epicake's the only one posting lately. Look for something else coming up soon.
I'll post my decklist up soon, it'd be cool if Chow could put up his so we'd have some different perspectives up