
Gotta Catch 'em All

I'm sure many of you guys have noticed the lack of posts. Truth be told, about half our team are swamped in nostalgia with Pokemon Yellow and don't plan on stopping anytime soon until there is a clear Pokemon Master. There really aren't a lot of exciting things happening in the world of YuGiOh. I'm just waiting for the first eppy of Zexal to come out :D

Reborn Tengu
Level 4/WIND/Beast-Warrior-Type - Effect, Tuner/700 ATK/800 DEF
When this card is removed from the field, Special Summon 1 "Reborn Tengu" from your Deck.

Lesseee, how could a HERO user abuse this card~ It's a wind... :O Great Tornado! Summon Reborn Tengu, fuse it with a HERO for Great Tornado, special summon another Tengu...fuse again with Great Tornado to cut down their attack even further and special summon another Tengu? The great thing about this card is that it can't miss the timing so whether or not you or using it for a tribute fodder for a Monarch/Emperor, fusion material, or syncing abuse, you are guaranteed to at least +1 off this guys effect.


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